
Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ November 2, 2016/ Uncategorized

As we close in on Election 2016, I’m sure most of my readers have surmised that I will be, unabashedly, voting for Donald Trump on November 8th. I’d like to take a moment and explain, in two separate posts, the reasons why. In this post today, I’ll focus on the first reason, and in a separate post tomorrow I’ll present two more.

To me, the most important reason to vote for Donald Trump is a moral one. If Donald Trump does not win, there is NO question that Hillary will.
And a win for Hillary is, for me, intolerable: I CAN NOT and WILL NOT ignore, forgive or forget Mrs. Clinton’s failure, on September 11, 2012, to come to the aid of Christopher Stevens, our young, dedicated and idealistic ambassador to Libya, who was tortured and brutally murdered during a an armed attack, while the Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, did absolutely NOTHING to help or save him! And along with Mr. Stevens, three brave and true American security officers were also killed defending him, the embassy and the security compound.

I know that it’s not completely clear whether or not immediate defensive military intervention would have been able to save them. What is so troubling to me, however, is the searing fact that we didn’t even TRY.
You may say that events are always seen more clearly in hindsight, and that I’m being a “Monday morning quaterback”. There is, some truth in those statements. However, having acknowledged that, I, none-the-less will say, with all the conviction in my heart, that, had I been in Secretary Clinton’s position on that fateful night, I would NOT have gone home. I would NOT have gone to bed. I WOULD have DEMANDED that Mr. Obama, as Commander In Chief, bring every police, military and special forces asset within a thousand miles of Benghazi into IMMEDIATE mobilization, and to be IMMEDIATELY on their way to aid our men. And, if Mr. Obama refused, I would have handed him my resignation right then and there. Mrs. Clinton did not do this. Mrs.Clinton did nothing of the sort. In fact, she did NOTHING at all. Actually, she did WORSE than nothing: she spent her time concocting, with Susan Rice, and others in her office, a fetid lie about “an offensive movie” as an explanation and distraction aimed at a sleepy American populace. Her depraved indifference and callous disregard for our men fighting for their lives on a battlefield, is BEYOND dereliction of duty. It is TREASON. And to think that a treasonous individual of this vile makeup might walk, with fanfare, into the hallowed office of the Presidency of the United States of America is BEYOND REPUGNANT. It is unthinkable.
Maybe it’s my medical background that makes this issue grieve me so. Maybe it’s the fact that, in a lifetime of medical service, a patient’s life and wellbeing is not just the highest priority, it is the ONLY priority. Maybe, it’s our country’s history of military sacrifice and valor. May be it’s our soldiers’ code of honor that a soldier in jeopardy is never left behind. Maybe its our heritage of religious values, wherein EVERY life is priceless, and EVERY life has infinite value. Maybe it’s all of these put together, but, in my heart, Mrs. Clinton’s depraved indifference to Ambassador Stevens and his men in mortal danger, is an UNFORGIVABLE crime that should, forever and always, bar her, in shame, from the Oval Office.

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