The Silent Centurions November 1, 2016/ Uncategorized

The liberal media now has a goat to “scape”. Once he was celebrated as a wise man, above reproach. A man that saw through all the right wing puffery. A savior and a hero with courage and guts. A man of righteousness and impartiality. Now he is a demon, accused of political bias of the highest degree. Now that he’s dared to reopen Hillary Clinton’s “closed” investigation, that is. I’m speaking, of course, of FBI director James Comey. He became, in an instant, a scoundrel, a turn coat and traitor. And now there are those that want to add the term “criminal” to that list.
Partisan accusers from the Hillary Campaign, the DNC and liberal commentators at large, claim that issuing a notification to Congress (and by extension, the American people) at this late date is completely unprecedented. Turns out, similar situations have occurred in American politics at LEAST seven times in the past, so the “unprecedented” claim is simply false.

Next, the talking heads claim that Comey’s investigation announcement violates the Hatch Act, which is a statute designed to prohibit government officials from influencing elections. First, it’s quite questionable how vigorously this law, in general, is enforced. Wouldn’t strict enforcement of such a law require, for example, Mr. Obama to shut his big mouth? (Just sayin’!).
Secondly, Mr. Comey can claim that, although the Hatch Act objectives are well intentioned and good, the pursuit of justice trumps, if you will, electoral considerations.

Thirdly, he can, rightfully, claim that present circumstances are unique, as he previously released a statement on this case, which, at the time, was protested by absolutely NO ONE from the Clinton Campaign, the DNC or the liberal media, which basically exonerated Mrs. Clinton from charges of criminal wrongdoing. However, since new information has come to light indicating that the previous statement is wrong, then it becomes his DUTY to correct a false previously issued statement.
Although, the Hatch Act could be used to relieve Mr. Comey of his post, I think a response that radical is very unlikely as it would, likely, involve both Lynch and Obama in obstruction of justice charges, prompting a Congressional response with Special Prosecutors and due process. Neither of them, I believe, wants to be embroiled in such a proceeding.
More likely there will be attempts to apply SEVERE PRESSURE on Mr. Comey to “wrap things up” and issue a second exoneration. I pray that he is strong enough to stand his ground. The behind the scenes battles will be brutal, but he has one ace in the hole: OUT THERE, somewhere in cyberspace, in all likelihood, are the emails of central interest in this case, ready to come to Mr. Comey’s aid, should the situation get out of hand. These pirated emails are standing at the gates, like silent Centurions, guarding the truth.

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