Designed To Fail
>We have have recently learned that Obamacare Premiums are going up! No kidding Sherlock! Good golly Miss Molly! Jeez Louise! What a shock!
>In truth, however, absolutely no one with a functional cerebral cortex in this country should be surprised by this development, much less shocked by it. And the projected increases are not in the range of a cost of living adjustment of a percent point or two. No, the AVERAGE increase will be a breathtaking 25%! This dramatic jump was predicted long ago by many critics, including, Donald Trump, by the way. So America, you really shouldn’t be MYSTIFIED.
>The Obamacare ACA (Affordable Care Act) “package” assumed a number conditions that were actually known to be false, even at the time bill was constructed. What were the erroneous assumptions? Namely, the participation rates of the younger and healthier members of the population (even with rather mild tax penalties incentives) were grossly overestimated. In addition, the benefits of easier access to preventive medicine were grossly overestimated as well.
>Next, this masterpiece of faulty legislation was sold to the American people by covering it in a pack of LIES. (There’s really no other word for it). Remember Mr. Obama saying, numerous times on video, verbatim:”if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance. Period.” Everyone involved in the construction of the bill KNEW it would not pan out that way. Obama, nonetheless sold it to America using that blatant lie. (I especially liked the “Period.” at the end. A nice touch, as it were. But TOTALY false.).
>So the ACA was built on false assumptions and was sold to America with blatant lies. No real debate there.
>But I would go one step further: Not only was the ACA crafted and promoted with deceit, it was, in my opinion, actually DESIGNED TO FAIL. It was designed to be so inefficient and expensive, that it could not survive in the long run. How was it made extra expensive? A couple of examples: Coverage in all of the ACA plans was required for extremely long courses of (expensive) psychiatric treatment, for example. Coverage was also required for (very expensive) infertility treatment, even in the policies that were to be sold to postmenopausal women, as another example. And there are more.
>The goal here, is, of course, to let private medical insurance in America self destruct in a brilliant conflagration, thereby allowing a government controlled single payor system to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes! Medical expenses are such a large component of the GDP that American leftists have had their eye on them for quite some time. Now, with the ACA, there is a coherent blueprint to bring this about. THIS is why the Honorable Nancy Pelosi was quoted, on video, saying that “we should pass it (the ACA) first, THEN read what’s inside later!” (This , I must say, has to be the most egregious comment ever to be spoken, to my knowledge, by a sitting Speaker of the House!). In so many words, we really don’t HAVE to read it because (wink) it was DESIGNED TO FAIL. When you are not looking for success, details don’t matter! If by some stroke of luck, the legislation is a surprise success, and it really works properly, then so be it. But, in the much more likely scenario, if the plan fails, why then you simply dust off all the old and discredited “socialized medicine” blueprints and, violà,
a whopping 17.5 % of our GDP has gone from the private to the public sector. Karl Marx would be THRILLED. And then, once we have a system of a completely government run single party payor, then, subtly at first, then not so subtly afterward, the rationing will begin.
>And then, people, WATCH IT. It will be scary! But, by then, it might be too late!