Time To Dream
Dear Readers,
A week or two ago I posted a short poem (See “Things Half Done”, 10/17/16) which garnered a few positive comments, for which I am grateful. As the season moved on, I’ve had the opportunity to write a number of others, one of which I’d like to post here:
Time To Dream
In the soft days of early autumn,
the fresh days of the later fall,
we have time to dream a bit,
time to take in it all.
We dream of the future,
yet we dream also of the past.
Our stubborn sense of the present
transforms those dreams at last.
What we remember isn’t constant.
The past will truly change.
The wind will shape the contour
of the most steadfast mountain range.
Our hearts weren’t meant to carry
All the grief we have stored
The burden is too heavy
The weight cannot be ignored.
So go ahead, indulge it.
Bend the strongest metal.
Fashion of it what you will.
Blow away that last petal.