The New Ethics Of The American Media October 23, 2016/ Uncategorized

America has found a NEW way to deflect the horrible revelations that are being published and aimed at Hillary Clinton and her campaign just about every single day now. What is this NEW defense you ask? Is it that they present convincing evidence that the revelations are false? Is it that they provide information that challenges the veracity of the revelations themselves? Is it that they advance persuasive arguments that the revelations were biased or incomplete? The answer to these questions is: No. No. And No. The NEW defense strategy involves, are you ready for this, JOURNALISTIC ETHICS! That’s right, ladies and gentlemen: journalism just got religion! Mostly it’s the left leaning journalists (nearly all of them, therefore). And, their new found scruples appear to apply exclusively to leaks and recordings aimed at Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party!

This strategy was on display Wednesday night, during a Megan Kelly post-debate interview with Donna Brazile, the new chairwoman of the Democratic Party. When asked about the horrible and anti American activities proven to be carried out by paid Democratic Party operatives, Ms. Brazile countered that she wouldn’t comment because the videos were obtained illegally (i.e. with hidden cameras and not authorized by the Democratic Party)! She encouraged Ms. Kelly (who, to her credit, didn’t buy it) and the rest of the American media, therefore, to IGNORE those revelations, basically because of how they were obtained! Journalists ignoring revelations of secrets? That’s a NEW one!

This strategy had actually been used earlier in that same evening during the debate itself by that trend setter, Hillary Clinton. When presented by Mr. Trump with email derived evidence of malfeasance on numerous accounts, Hillary did NOT once counter or defend the charges themselves, but, instead, railed against the Soviet Union, the supposed source of the leaks.
In his excellent article, conservative editor George Rasley, describes a recent discussion at NPR (National Public Radio) which concluded that American Media SHOULD NOT publish information obtained from WiKi Leaks because it was “stolen”. If this were to become the ethical norm, the press could publish only approved material provided directly by individuals, agencies and the government! Free journalism would cease to exist, like in Cuba, Venezuela and a host of other totalitarian countries.

Now, dear reader, please recall that leftist journalists had NO PROBLEM with the publication, in the 70’s, of the Pentagon Papers (which were known to be stolen by Mr. Daniel Ellsberg). They had NO problem with Edward Snowden’s stolen classified information a couple of years ago. And they have no problem now with the New York Times’s publishing stolen Trump tax returns just last month! It is beyond ironic that journalism has suddenly developed a “conscience” when hidden information surfaced and was unfavorable to Hillary and the Democratic Party! Time, now, for soul searching! Time, now, for censorship! PLEASE!

Come ON people: do NOT let this razzle dazzle fool you. Do not get distracted by a non issue. The MOST important factor here is what Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party have DONE, not how the evidence was obtained! Do not blame the detective instead of the criminal!

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