
Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ October 22, 2016/ Uncategorized

No matter what happens on Nov 8, America will survive. Trains will run. Airplanes will fly. Waves will continue to crash on our shores. The stock market will vibrate but will not collapse. All the “luminaries” who have promised to leave “if…”, will stay put, no matter WHO wins. Mail will still be delivered. Children will be born. The greedy will remain undaunted. The guilty will still aver shame.

But if Hillary Clinton wins, America WILL likely become, in time, an unrecognizable place.

America, for the first time, will have more than half of it’s populace depending on the other half for some or all of their sustenance! This contingent of freeloaders will be the biggest in history. There are more Americans on welfare than the total population of Russia!

America, also for the first time, will really feel the effects of the 11 million illegal immigrants whom have entered our country unmonitored. The resulting demand for social services, monetary support, education, health care, and their sometimes need for incarceration, will result in expense unprecedented in the history of the world.

America, also, will have set a terrible example, especially to our youth, of unequal justice under the law, with Hillary committing several obvious felonies (obstruction of justice for evidence tampering AFTER a subpoena had been served, and felony violations of the Espionage Act, section 793, to give two quick examples) without punishment or even censure, and others (like General James Cartwright, recently) being prosecuted to the hilt.

America will have to expend a tremendous amount of resources dealing with an explosion of jihad WITHIN our borders by the Mid Eastern immigrants (or their offspring) that we have opened our doors (and our arms) to.

Americans will have to become inured to the rapes, sexual assaults, attacks on children and teens, and threats to adults (seen widely, now, in most of the European “welcoming” countries) from the aliens we have brought here ourselves in a misguided attempt to be “high minded.”

Americans will have to get used to feeling unsafe alone on the streets at night, due to both immigrant (this has become widespread in Europe) and “homegrown” crime as well.

Americans will have to accept high rates of murder, robbery, assaults and drug use, as our police forces are further cowed into acquiescence and inactivity. This will be especially acute if, as promised, Hillary reduces incarceration rates for supposedly “non violent” criminals (many of whom have actually plea bargained their charges of violent felonies down to non violent alternatives, in exchange for “no contest” pleas, which are very appreciated by the overloaded and overworked prosecutors).

American will have to get used to a “has been” status among the world’s governments, as China and the Soviet Union continue to expand their hegemony and prestige through out the world.

America will have to realize that support from our allies, both politically and militarily, will continue to dwindle.

America will have to content it self with laughable growth rates of a percent or two, as business and industries are hobbled by draconian taxes and regulations, as China and a number of other countries manage growth rates of 5 or 6 percent. (By the way, Hillary is wrong: Most jobs are NOT created by the government, but are, instead, created by the free market).

America will also have to accept a continuing truncation of freedom of speech as a type of “newspeak” spreads in government (“workplace violence”, for example, instead of “terrorism”), free discourse is discouraged in academia, and our youth seem to want “safe spaces” where they can completely avoid any exposure to discourse they don’t want to hear, and even the views of some Judeo-Christian religious groups are now labeled as “hate speech.”

Americans will have to condone the disassembly of large portions of our nuclear arsenal, while Iran and North Korea develop and expand theirs.

Americans will have to cotton to all kinds of social deviance, from men in the ladies room, to “alternate lifestyles” being TAUGHT to our children at a young and impressionable age.

Americans will be FORCED to tolerate the OPPOSITE of patriotism, with the likes of that mediocre footballer Colin Kaepernick and numerous others disrespecting our flag, our police and our nation.

Lastly, America will have to acquiesce to our shrinking stature in the world, and the world will have to morn the passing of a great power.

Yes, no matter what happens on Nov 8, America will still be here, but in time, none of us may recognize it.

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