True Colors
The third and last presidential debate is now history. There is no question about this one: tonight it was Trump all the way. He stood fast, he did not take any bait, and he did not flinch. Hillary appeared robotic at times and often quite insincere. Her answers seemed tired an unconvincing. Most of the zingers were Trump’s on Clinton. Surprisingly, one zinger, however, was, Trump on Trump! It happened when he said that no one “respects women more than me”. Now, as you know, this issue has obviously been a bone of contention in this election, and as a consequence, the audience couldn’t help but laugh. Oops!
Other than that, throughout the rest of the debate, Trump took the fight TO Hillary, and it soon became clear that she had no cogent defense for: 1) Her Libya, Syria and Iraq policy as Secretary of State. 2) Her conflict of interest as Secretary of State with the Clinton Foundation involving Haiti, Russian uranium enrichment and others. 3) Her campaign’s incitement of PAID protest violence intended to make Trump supporters look bad, documented in a recent release by Project Veritas utilizing undercover cameras. 4) Her ineffective tenure in the Senate. 5) Her unrelenting lies and dishonesty. 6) Her covert plans for open borders, uncovered by emails recently disclosed by WiKi Leaks. 7) Her admitting (again in leaked emails) that Syrian “refugees” can not be properly vetted, yet advocating massive resettlement anyway. 8) Her campaign’s plans, also caught on video by Project Veritas, to cover up voting fraud by in-person voters. Her only response to many of these revelations was: “Shame on Russia for hacking our country’s computers and then revealing all these bad things about me!” She could not, apparently, offer any excuses or explanations, however, for the CONTENT of those revelations.
Trump’s only misstep, I think, was equivocating about accepting the election’s legitimacy, which, although NOT wrong, really wasn’t NECESSARY at this point in time, and which would likely give the Democrat leaning media SOMETHING to carp about. As I mentioned above, it’s not wrong to keep such an option open, and there ARE actually good reasons for such a stance, namely to put potentially shady democratic operatives on notice that they will be watched and the results scrutinized. This tactic would seen especially justified in light of the Project Veritas revelations listed above regarding PLANNED fraud by the Democratic Party, and also in light of several active fraudulent registration investigations taking place RIGHT NOW in Indiana, Colorado, Virginia, Pennsylvania and several other states. By the way, voter fraud isn’t exactly unheard of in America. There have been a number of American elections where voter fraud is felt to have been an issue, the most famous being the Kennedy/Nixon race in 1960 where voter fraud in Illinois and Virginia is believed to put Kennedy over the top. Ultimately Trump’s position on this SHOULD NOT be a detriment for him, as there is no fault in insisting on a fair, verifiable and transparent election process. And remember, if you will, that the 2000 election WAS, in fact, contested, in court, by none other than democrat Al Gore. And he brought the contention suit to the Supreme Court. AND he did it with the support of that other prominent democrat, Bill Clinton. So contesting an election is NOT anti-American or dastardly in any way. And there is really no evidence that, if he looses, Mr. Trump plans to raise a militia and charge the White House! So don’t be fooled by phony media “outrage.”
On the medical front, Hillary’s left eye continues to deviate downward and inward (the medical term is “intort”). Her right leg continues to slightly drag, suggesting continued dorsiflexor weakness. And her very long slacks could possibly hide a discreet ankle-foot orthotic (A.F.O), which would suggest ongoing neurological disease. Lastly, she wore a jacket top ringed rather close to the neck which would allow a necklace antenna and/or magnetic inductive technology. I didn’t see any tell tale wires (this time) over her back, but that MAY just mean that they were taped or padded better. Or it may be that, this time, there was no device. I can’t be sure either way.
Another important thing was also on display: Trump’s learning curve. Trump, who is really a political novice, when you come right down to it, has shown that, as the campaign moved ahead, he increasingly “gets it.” He’s has continued to improve in terms of style, demeanor, logic and emphasis. He has also, apparently, listened more closely to the counsel of well chosen advisors. A good trait in a prospective president.
There were some heartfelt moments in the debate as well. The most poignant example being Trump’s visceral revulsion to partial birth abortion. In case the reader is not familiar with this term, partial birth abortion is a surgical procedure carried out when a late term viable infant is partially delivered and then has it’s neck broken and it’s brain suctioned out! The brutality of this procedure is such that even some well informed pro choice advocates can’t quite stomach it. Trump said, quite simply, that “it’s just not right.” And you could see by his conviction that he meant it. Hillary, rather disgustingly, focused on how “difficult a decision it must be for the mother to make!”
Another very telling moment occurred when, after Hillary went on and on about being a supporter of women’s rights, Trump pointed out that Hillary has taken millions from Mid Eastern regimes that oppress women terribly, and that she must be, consequently, in their debt. Referring to $25 Million she accepted from Saudi Arabia, Trump asked simply and effectively: “When are you going to give it back?” Hillary did not answer.
A final point worth mentioning is the phenomenal job done by the moderator, Chris Wallace of Fox News. Mr. Wallace conducted a debate that was indeed fair and balanced. He aggressively went after both of the candidates in turn. He stood his ground, but gave both parties equal opportunities to make their case. He got BOTH of them to show their true colors. Of all the moderators seen during this cycle, he was THE class act.
And Trump, for his part, was the hands down winner! So, for all the parties: true colors indeed!