Nuclear Iran
Several weeks ago I viewed a post on FaceBook titled “Eagles Over Auschwitz”. The video showed three Israeli fighter jets flying over a commemoration ceremony at Auschwitz. The theme of this video was, of course, that Israel’s military would prevent another Holocaust. The video was very touching, inspiring even. But I am writing today to make the point that having fighter jets and rockets and tanks is NOT enough. Israel MUST have the right to use these weapons for self defense, when needed.
There are only three people in the entire United States of America that believe Iran is enriching uranium for peaceful purposes: Barack Obama, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. (Joe Biden, I believe, is UNAWARE of the problem!) Excluding these three individuals, there is a realization that a nuclear armed Iran is a clear and present threat to both the United States and Israel. Despite our recent JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) treaty, Iran will, in 10 years, have nuclear weaponry. You can count on it. All of the restrictions in the treaty have expiration dates and the verification process in the treaty is so loose (inspections to be carried out BY THE IRANIANS THEMSELVES!!!!!) that it would be funny were it not so dangerous!
Just think: nuclear capability in a country that is the largest state supporter of terrorism in the world. A country that continuously uses the slogan “Death to America”, “Death to Israel”. A country that had been, de facto, in a continuous state of war with the United States ever since the Shah was deposed. The conclusion is crystal clear: Iran must NOT be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Period. Under ANY circumstances. If, for any reason, the United States can not, or will not, eliminate the Iranian nuclear threat, then Israel MUST do it.
Now, I can not prove, but I none-the-less believe, that the only reason Israel has not destroyed Iran’s Natanz reactor already is that, behind the scenes, Mr. Obama made it quite clear to Mr. Netanyahu that WE would shoot down their bombers if they tried to do so! Israel took out Iraq’s nuclear reactor in 1981 for similar reasons, and, I believe, will do the same thing again to Iran, if given the opportunity.
The crucial point, of course, is for Israel to be given the opportunity. Once again, although I can not prove it, I believe that if Trump is elected, Israel will, clandestinely, get the green light. I do not think this will happen if Hillary is elected, due primarily to her cozy relationship with several Arab regimes and all the financial support she gets from Arab sources.
So, fellow Americans, and especially Jewish Americans, I would ask you to please consider this issue VERY carefully when you vote in November. The Iranian threat is, I believe, very grave, and the solution is very clear. Who ever sits in the Oval Office will either enable or hobble Israel. Either way, the consequences for the only true democracy in the Mid East will be dramatic.