Name As Destiny October 14, 2016/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, with the media coverage of this presidential election reaching new heights of bias and absurdity (see my post from 9/12/16, “Common Sense Scoreboard”), and America rushing headlong into the political abyss, I feel that we all need a “sanity break” for a change. Accordingly, I would like to share a curious observation that I have made that seems to defy rational explanation.

Have you ever noticed, dear readers, how many people have names that are amazingly appropriate for the narrative of their lives? I’ll call this phenomena “Name As Destiny.” Some examples:

1) First, there’s the talented, but tragically unfortunate singer who died young of ALCOHOL poisoning. I’m referring, of course, to none other than Amy WINEHOUSE! How apropos!

2) Then there’s the Yankee’s general manager who controls player salaries and cash flow for the entire team: yes, it’s Brian CASHMAN, no less!

3) Then there is the incredibly fast Olympic athlete who literally bolts to the finish line. His name: Usain BOLT, of course!


4) And, who could forget that conniving investment broker who made off with everyone’s money: Bernie MADOFF, to be sure!


5) Now there’s also the case of a very disturbed politician sending pictures of his private parts all over the Internet. His name? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s Anthony… WEINER! You can’t make this stuff up!

6) Then, let’s consider the indispensable White House press secretary, who constantly lies and “joshes” the American public, earnestly, of course! His name? JOSH ERNEST, natch!

7) And then, remember that middle eastern Gold Star father that spoke at the Democrat convention. The sanctimonious one that was paid $25,000 to deliver a self serving (he’s an IMMIGRATION lawyer, after all) anti Trump speech that he didn’t even write. The man who was, basically, a CON artist. His name? Kizar KAHN, of course!

8) And lastly, let’s end with the example that would appear to trump the rest: yes, ladies and gentlemen! You guessed it! He trumped his Republican rivals and is now trying to trump Hillary as well. I’m referring, of course, to Donald TRUMP himself!

Name as destiny? I rest my case!

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