Common Sense Scoreboard October 12, 2016/ Uncategorized

In this essay I’d like to take a look at the Trump vs. Hillary “scoreboard” as it appears at the end of the “third quarter.” I will endeavor to leave out the b.s., so we’ll call it a “Common Sense Scoreboard.”

Let’s see, we’ve learned, from a leaked 10 year old interview, that:
1) Mr. Trump, not in mixed company, used offensive language in sophomoric references to the opposite sex.
Diagnosis: teenage fixation.

2) Mr. Trump will exercise his constitutional right to financial privacy, and MAY have used corporate losses to LEGALLY (remember he’s been audited a couple dozen times and NO irregularities were ever found) reduce his taxes as ALLOWED in our nation’s tax code. Diagnosis: smart business man.

3) He’s a loudmouth. Diagnosis: he’s a loudmouth.

That’s about it on the Trump side.

In the mean time, on the Hillary side, we learn from the latest batch of emails, that:

1) Hillary ok’d the transfer of 20% of OUR uranium enrichment to a RUSSIAN owned company who provided MASSIVE donations (approximately 145 MILLION dollars) to the Clinton foundation. Diagnosis: Bribery.

2) Hillary worked in collusion with the Obama administration to try to minimize the fallout from her email scandal.” Diagnosis: improper use of government influence.

3) The Clinton campaign wants an “unaware and compliant citizenry!” (as quoted in THEIR internal emails!). Diagnosis: condescension in the first degree.
4) Deletion of 30,000 emails AFTER subpoena. Diagnosis:
Obstruction of Justice. Evidence tampering.

5) Gross negligence as Secretary of State regarding our men in Benghazi. Diagnosis: Negligent manslaughter. Depraved indifference.

6) Conducted top secret communications on unsecured servers. Diagnosis: Violation of The Espionage Act, section 793, “Gathering, transmitting, or loosing defense information.”
Penalty: “Fines and imprisonment of not more than 10 years.” Criminal intent, in THIS circumstance, is NOT required by statute!

7) Used questionable evidence to knowingly and wrongly free a child rapist. Diagnosis: misleading a jury.

8) Intimidated into silence several women who were raped by her husband. Diagnosis: Blackmail.

Well, folks, I could go on. But I tire. Take a look at the score board. The fourth quarter is just getting underway. What do YOU think?

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