A Look At The Future

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ September 19, 2016/ Uncategorized

Although 2016 pales in comparison to 2001 for the severity of jihadi attacks on American soil (due, of course, to the events of 9/11), it is, none-the-less proving itself to be another bumper year for attacks. According to Johnston’s Archive, 2016 can, thus far, boast 10 separate terror attacks with the body count now standing at 63! These attacks, in 2016, have ALL been carried out by jihadis who are either mid eastern immigrants or their spawn!

If we do not radically change our policies, we have to look no further than contemporary Europe for a glimpse of the future: frequent jihadi attacks using bombs, automatic machine guns, knives, hatchets, scimitars, combustibles, and, even, trucks!

We see frequent sexual assault. We see women afraid to go out at night. We see a number of festivals that, after taking place for HUNDREDS of years, are being cancelled due to fear of Muslim violence. We see “no go” zones, where police are AFRAID to go. We see female genital mutilation. We see “honor killings”. We see a massive drain on welfare resources. We see a massive strain on police and security. We see prisons being filled to the brim. We see a trajectory toward CIVIL WAR!

NOW is the time, America, to STOP THE MADNESS! We MUST stop mid eastern immigration to our shores! We must increase our surveillance of the enemies that walk among us. We must severely scrutinize even visitors to our country. We must do these things, not because we want to, but because we HAVE to

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