Mini Me September 7, 2016/ Uncategorized

As Hillary’s poor health becomes more and more apparent, the realization that she’s not well enough to serve as POTUS is dawning on the American public. Even DEMOCRATS are becoming aware! The initial response from the Democrats was to try to bluster the issue away, as I described in a previous post, but that didn’t work. What I’m hearing now from die-hard democrats is a sheepish “Well, Tim Kaine will be a good replacement.” This response is nothing less than a sort of political “bait and switch!” It seems, however, to be the democratic strategy du jour, so at this juncture, I need to make an important point: NO, Tim Kaine WON’T be a “good replacement.”! While Kaine does not have Hillary’s heavy moral ethical and legal baggage, on the ISSUES, he’s just as bad as Hillary! Maybe WORSE! He mirrors her horrible positions on security, law and order, taxes and foreign policy. On immigration, as hard as it is to believe, he appears to be MORE CRAZY than Hillary. Not only does he favor bringing huge numbers of Syrian “refugees” to our country, damn the consequences (just like in Europe), but he plans to enact AMNESTY for all illegal aliens during the first 100 days!
AMNESTY for all! INSTANT amnesty, if you will! Ladies and gentleman we CAN’T let this happen. Not an acceptable replacement, Mr. Kaine. Not at all.

If immigration and amnesty are not enough to drive home my point, let me raise another problem I have with Mr. Kaine: attitude. When asked about his response to the football player Colin Kaepernick’s reprehensible behavior (sitting/kneeling for the National Anthem, wearing socks showing police officers as pigs), Mr. Kaine, amazingly, said that “You have to respect” Kaepernick’s protest! “Respect”?
“Respect”! NO YOU DON’T, Mr. Kaine! You may have to TOLERATE it, but you certainly don’t have to RESPECT it! Sorry Mr. Kaine. That’s a non-starter. You appear cut from the same cloth as your boss. Maybe cut from worse cloth at that.

So, in conclusion, the democratic bait and switch just beginning to get underway is NOT acceptable. We should recognize it as such and reject it forthwith. Not only will we not accept an ailing and deeply flawed Hillary, we won’t accept a Hillary “mini me” either!

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