Hillary’s obvious health problems continue to worry the populace. Her constant and uncontrollable coughing has gotten to the point where it is difficult to watch. The Hillary campaign continues to blame “allergies”, but we know that explanation is just not true. If allergies were indeed the problem, a daily dose of Claritin would take care of it. However, if it is, as I suspect, a result of an alteration in her gag reflex (as a consequence of a brain stem stroke) then all the antihistamines in the world won’t help, and the coughing will continue. And it does. Worrisome?
But her coughing and the stroke that it implies are only part of the problem. There is another problem of far more concern for anyone seeking the leadership of the free world: she may be showing signs of dementia. At her age (69 next month) mild dementia is common in the general population. It goes without saying, however, that it should NOT be present in a sitting American president. Supporting the diagnosis of dementia is her frequent fits of rage. These can be an early sign of dementia, what the neurologists call a “frontal release sign.” Her inappropriately exaggerated facial expressions are also signs of “frontal release.” There is, also, a rumor that she’s taking Aricept, which is a drug used to help slow Alzheimer’s Disease. But, even more troubling, is her striking avoidance of press conferences. Her last one was 274 days ago! This is truly UNHEARD of in a presidential campaign. It isn’t a coincidence. Think about it: during a time when she should be taking questions on the important issues of the day, she’s AWOL. She does do speeches, it’s true, but during a speech one has a script, either written or via teleprompter. An unscripted unrehearsed question and answer session, however, might require long chains of reasoning. The rumor is that her campaign is dreadfully afraid she’ll “go off” into a nonsensical response! No wonder she’s avoided this type of venue. Yes, she did do a brief session in her plane recently, but that was certainly nothing that anyone would call a true press conference. Lastly, keep in mind another important fact: she does NOT travel with her press corps. Again this is unheard of during a presidential campaign when candidates want to maximize their profile with the press. Not Hillary. Worrisome? You bet it is.